
Become a Better Writer in Just Five Weeks

Enrollment is Closed.

The writing bootcamp where you’ll meet smart, ambitious people and become the writer you've always wanted to be.

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Join 300+ writers to do the best writing of your life.

From CEOs to coaches to comedians. Something magical  happens when you write with community. You work harder, achieve more, and — most importantly — have fun.

Typing alone at your desk can only get you so far. Eventually, you’re plagued with questions like:

  • Is this essay any good?
  • Is this idea even interesting?
  • Or, What am I trying to say here? 

You won’t find the answers by retreating to Walden Pond. (Sorry, Thoreau.) If you want to publish a bestseller, launch a startup, or spread your ideas across the Internet like schmear on a New York bagel, then you need community, feedback, momentum.

At Write of Passage, writing is social. It’s the undercurrent of everything you’ll do in the Bootcamp. And as a result, you'll become the writer you've always wanted to be. 

Starting to write online was the single best professional decision I’ve ever made, by an enormous margin.
Packy McCormick – From 0 to 229,000+ newsletter subscribers
The Write of Passage BOOTCAMP

Here's what you're signing up for.

The Bootcamp is five weeks of rigorous writing training that feels nothing like your fifth-grade English class. Instead, it's like a gale-force tailwind for your writing. You're guaranteed three things: 

    1. Live Instruction: We tell you what to do and how to do it. You’ll learn how to write something exceptional over and over again. 
    2. People: We plug you into a community of smart, ambitious writers who you can jam on ideas with.
    3. Feedback: We give you detailed edits on everything you write. You’ll work with a personal editor who makes sure you’re proud of what you publish.

2000+ writers. 72 countries. One life-changing experience.

Many writing programs promise to make you a better writer. Write of passage goes beyond to make you a better human. It didn't just unlock my pen, it changed my heart.


Ayomide Oflulue

Ayomide Ofulue

Write of Passage is a life-changing course. There are very few communities that have this energy and vibe.

John Nicholas

John Nicholas

Write of Passage has made me significantly more confident in sharing my ideas with the world and has helped make me a better writer. It's an intense course, but I feel transformed by it in the best way.

Justin Frank

Justin Frank

It got me over my biggest hurdle: fear of publishing. In week one, I was scared to hit publish. By week five, it felt natural. I would not have gotten there without this program.

Rick McClelland

Rick McClelland

Write of Passage gave me structure and a community to support my creative process. And because of the friends I've made, I feel more intellectually and creatively stimulated than I have since grad school. 

Chris Cordry

Chris Cordry

Write of Passage helped me connect the dots with my writing. I had an inconsistent practice and was unsure on how to move past certain blocks. I'm now exploring my voice and feel confident expressing it.

Eviana Vergara

Eviana Vergara

Write of Passage cured my intellectual loneliness and reminded me that the Internet isn't just bots and trolls and algorithms. There are real humans out there, full of curiosity and warmth and passion.


Alan Hibbard

Write of Passage helped me face my fear of publishing ideas online. I left the quicksand of analysis paralysis and found a child-like freedom of expression.

Saalik Lokhandwala

Saalik Lokhandwala

Write of Passage has opened doors for me that otherwise wouldn't be possible to even knock on. It will forever be my favorite place on the Internet.

Danny Oak

Danny Oak

Write of Passage has taught me more useful skills than I could have ever dreamt! The camaraderie, the small groups, the feedback are all outstanding.

Rick Planos

Rick Planos

The value and impact Write of Passage had on me is immeasurable. The things that felt like blockers to consistently writing or writing with clarity slowly eroded over my cohort. Write of Passage is certainly the opening pages of a new chapter in my life.


Sean Murphy

Write of Passage has been an absolute game-changer for me. With a supportive community and invaluable guidance, I've been able to overcome self-doubt and embrace vulnerability in my writing journey. Now, I'm fearlessly sharing my words with the world

Catalina Munoz

Catalina Munoz

I've never met a group of more encouraging people. This is a truly special community.

Rychelle Moses

Rychelle Moses

I can't believe an online course that actually under promises and over delivers. I literally "found my people."

Chao Lam

Chao Lam

The genuine enthusiasm and support of Write of Passage has been a gift to my writing. I didn't think it possible to write what I did, but there it was on the page.

Alissa Mears

Alissa Mears


What You'll Get Inside the Bootcamp:

Expert Instruction

Write of Passage is a live, online experience that runs for five weeks, but these aren’t your typical
Zoom calls. Learning how to become a better writer is just the start. With every session, you’ll do live writing exercises, get real-time feedback on your work, and make friends with other writers in breakout rooms. The energy is electric. This is Zoom like you’ve never seen it before.

The “main event” of the Bootcamp are weekly, 90-minute Live Sessions led by our founder, David Perell, who will teach you everything you need to know to become a better writer: what to do and how to thrive. 

Second-to-None Community

Our Bootcamp attracts serious people. Not serious in the stodgy sense — serious in the “I’m here to level up” sense. When you join Write of Passage, you’ll join a few hundred high-caliber, like-minded people from all over the world. You’ll go on to build relationships, friendships, and — who knows? — maybe even companies with these people. And that’s not an assumption. It’s a fact. Our alumni meet investors and co-founders inside the Bootcamp. You never know who you’re going to meet.

Writing Assignments

You will publish three essays online during the Bootcamp. And rest assured. We’ll guide you
through every part of the writing process. For each assignment, you'll get:

  • A writing prompt
  • A specific concept to focus on
  • 1–2 rounds of revision from your personal editor
  • And feedback from your peers.
Personalized Feedback

Ah, yes. The crème de la crème of the Bootcamp experience. You will receive feedback on everything you write, from both a trained editor and other students. At the start of the cohort, we’ll give you an in-depth Feedback Guide to teach you how to give and receive feedback — the Write of Passage way. For now, here are the highlights on how feedback works in the Bootcamp:

  • Get line-by-line edits from your own personal editor on every draft
  • Talk through your budding ideas in breakout rooms and see what resonates
  • Get detailed feedback from your peers
  • And learn how to properly self-edit your essays by editing others’.

Our Bootcamp is for you if you want to:

At least one of these should be true.

Build an Audience
You want more people to read your work.
Attract Serendipity
You want your writing to lead to real-world outcomes.
Develop Your Next Best Idea
You have an ambitious vision for your life and need help discovering your next best idea.
Share Your Vision
You have one clear message you want to share with other people.
Showcase Your Expertise
You’re a domain expert with knowledge from 10+ years of experience that you can offer the world.
Grow As a Writer
You’re jazzed about writing and want to become the best writer you can be.

Our Bootcamp is not for you if you want:

An Easy Experience
You want an easygoing, academic writing course.
Bubble-Wrap Feedback
You’re not ready to receive constructive criticism on your work.
Quick-Fix Writing Hacks
You’re not willing to put in the work required to create something of quality.
David | On Set | March 8, 2022 | 1
Our Founder, Your Instructor

Meet David Perell

Funny enough, I used to hate writing. My first boss even told me I was “an atrocious writer.” Ouch. But I loved ideas.

And here's the thing: the world doesn't reward the people with the best ideas. It rewards the people who are best at communicating ideas.

So, I started sharing my writing in public. And guess what? People made fun of me for it. Relentlessly. But I didn’t care. I improved my craft. I refined my ideas. And suddenly, the brightest minds were reading my words, and people from around the world were reaching out to me. New doors were opening, doors I was eager to walk through.

Writing online changed everything for me.

Now, I have an audience of over 430,000 people. I’ve met dozens of my heroes in real life. I’ve launched my dream podcast, where I get to shake hands with some of the world’s best writers. I changed my trajectory and unleashed my potential.

And I built Write of Passage to help you do the same. I’d love to show you the way. 

– David

Your untapped potential is one essay away.

Hitting “Publish” can open doors you didn't know existed: new clients, job opportunities, creative prestige, richer relationships — you name it. 

Sam Knowlton
Sam Knowlton

From a Small Business Owner to an Industry Expert

Write of Passage is phenomenal. The depth of thought and intelligence that goes into designing the experience is top-notch.”

Who knew that Tweeting about soil could result in thousands of followers and dozens of new clients?

Well, it can. Just ask Sam.

Before taking Write of Passage, Sam owned a small agronomy consulting business. But after the Bootcamp, he unlocked a whole new level of success. Sharing his expertise in regenerative agriculture led to a flood of new clients in his DMs and business growth he didn’t think was possible.

Sam unleashed his potential by simply sharing what he knows. What would that look like for you?

Ivy Xu
Ivy Xu

From Unemployed to Financially Free

“Sharing your ideas opens doors you didn’t know existed.”

As a new graduate who struggled to keep a steady job, Ivy took to sharing her best ideas online. She had no idea what was in store for her:

  • One article led to her launching a $15k/month coaching business
  • Another article got her invited to conferences and speaking engagements
  • And another article grabbed the attention of the investor she would sell her company to, allowing her to become financially free. (Did we mention that Ivy met her investor inside the Bootcamp?)

The world came running because Ivy shared her best ideas — and it can for you, too.

Michael Ashcroft
Michael Ashcroft

From Corporate Burnout to Becoming His Own Boss

It’s not just that I have more; I’ve become more. The journey I’ve been on since taking Write of Passage has been profoundly transformational for me.”

Eighty-hour work weeks were not what Michael envisioned for his life. That’s why he enrolled in Write of Passage — because he desperately needed change.

After the Bootcamp, he started writing about his favorite personal hobby: the Alexander Technique. But he had no idea how much this little hobby would impact others. Soon, strangers were DM-ing him: “How much do you charge?” 

Michael went on to launch a six-figure online coaching business, allowing him to quit his corporate job, become his own boss, and travel the world while doing work he loves. 
Who knows? Your favorite hobby could replace your current paycheck. 

Ana Fabrega
Ana Lorena Fabrega

From an Underpaid Teacher to a Leader in Education Reform

"Write of Passage made me realize there's an audience for what I write."

Ana felt stuck in a backward system in desperate need of reform with no way to make an impact, until she joined Write of Passage and started writing online.

Ana’s ideas on how to make learning fun for kids gained her 165,000 followers, which helped her leap to a new career as Chief Evangelist at the Elon Musk-backed Synthesis School. Her huge audience helped her publish her first book with a major publishing house: The Learning Game.

Like Ana, your best ideas could have the power to impact hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

David | On Set | March 8, 2022 | 1
The Write of Passage Bootcamp

You Have Something to Say. Time to Make It Exceptional.

Maybe you feel paralyzed by the thought of writing in public. Or, maybe you’ve been writing, but you feel stuck like a Prius in the mud.

Hundreds of our alumni have been exactly where you are now. They went from staying silent and not sharing their ideas to writing online and unlocking new opportunities.

Any of this sound familiar?

“But I’m not a real writer.” +

Let's make a nice big leafy tree. You have to make those little noises or it won't work. Let's put some happy little clouds in our world. We don't really know where this goes - and I'm not sure we really care. When you do it your way you can go anywhere you choose. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around.

“What if my work isn’t any good?” +

That’s where our team of trained editors comes in. You’ll get detailed, one-on-one feedback on every draft within 24 hours. Trust us, we’re not going to let you look foolish on the Internet.

“What if no one cares what I have to say?” +

This is — and always will be — a lie. The Internet craves originality like a coffee snob craves their morning brew. People don’t care about what you think you should write. They care about what you actually have to say. We’ll help you sift through your ideas and develop the one that’s most unique to you.

“But I don’t have an audience yet.” +

Distribution can be intimidating. That’s why we have some of the Internet’s top writers come teach you their best-kept growth secrets. Want to grow on Substack? X (Twitter)? LinkedIn? You’ll learn how to do it all.

“What if people think I’m weird for writing?” +

Sounds like you just need the right community. So, we’ll tell you about ours. Our Bootcamp attracts serious people. Not serious in the stodgy sense — serious in the “I’m here to level up” sense. When you join Write of Passage, you’ll join a few hundred high-caliber, like-minded people from all over the world. Is that something you want in on? Don’t let your current environment hold you back. You’ll find people who respect you for writing.

“I love ideas, but I hate writing.” +

Don’t worry — this isn’t the fluorescent-lit English class from your ninth-grade nightmares. Writing is social. It’s collaborative. And honestly? It’s fun. You’ll explore topics through conversation, bounce ideas off your peers, and chase your curiosities on the page.

“I don’t have the time right now.” +

We’re not in the business of lying to you. The Bootcamp is designed to make you break a sweat. But think of it as your best investment yet. You’ll invest 6–10 hours a week for five weeks to significantly change your life for the better, like hundreds of students already have. So, you can unwind by scrolling Instagram on the couch; or, you can spend the next five weeks tapping into your unrealized potential. The choice is yours.

“I don’t have the money right now.” +

We know that $4000 is a lot of money, but our Bootcamp is aptly priced for the value it adds to your life. If you ask our alumni, they’d say it’s a steal. Our team has dedicated years of meticulous, behind-the-scenes work to help you level up as a writer. Exceptional authorship pays dividends for life. Plus, we make this opportunity as accessible as possible:

  • We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring your decision is 100% risk-free.
  • We offer payment plans
  • And we offer multiple scholarship opportunities. You can apply here.
The Problem

Your Ideas Can't Work for You If They're Stuck Inside Your Skull

Maybe you feel paralyzed by the thought of writing in public. Or, maybe you’ve been writing, but you feel stuck like a Prius in the mud.

Hundreds of our alumni have been exactly where you are now. They went from staying silent and not sharing their ideas to writing online and unlocking new opportunities.

Any of this sound familiar?


“But I’m not a real writer.” +

Do yourself a favor and erase this phrase from your mind. Anyone can write online. All you need is an idea. And maybe some soft jazz. Plus, we do all the heavy lifting. We teach you everything you need to make your writing irresistible and find readers who will drop what they're doing to read your stuff.

“What if my work isn’t any good?” +

That’s where our team of trained editors comes in. You’ll get detailed, one-on-one feedback on every draft within 24 hours. 

“What if no one cares what I have to say?” +

This is — and always will be — a lie. The Internet craves originality like a coffee snob craves their morning brew. People don’t care about what you think you should write. They care about what you actually have to say. We’ll help you sift through your ideas and develop the one that’s most unique to you.

“But I don’t have an audience yet.” +

Distribution can be intimidating. That’s why we have some of the Internet’s top writers come to teach you their best-kept growth secrets. Want to grow on Substack? X (Twitter)? LinkedIn? You’ll learn how to do it all. 

“What if people think I’m weird for writing?” +

Sounds like you just need the right community. So, we’ll tell you about ours. From the first kick-off call, you’re going to meet hundreds of other writers who are as ambitious and talented as you are. Is that something you want? Don’t let your current environment hold you back. You’ll find people who respect you for writing. And you won’t do this alone. 

“I love ideas, but I hate writing.” +

Don’t worry — this isn’t the fluorescent-lit English class from your ninth-grade nightmares. Writing is social. It’s collaborative. And honestly, it’s fun. You’ll explore topics through conversation, bounce ideas off your peers, and chase your curiosities on the page. 

“I don’t have the time right now.” +

We’re not in the business of lying to you. The Bootcamp is designed to make you break a sweat. But think of it as your best investment yet. If you commit at least eight hours a week, you will change your life for the better — like hundreds of students already have. So, you could unwind by scrolling Instagram on the couch; or, you could spend that time tapping into your unrealized potential. The choice is yours. 

“I don’t have the money right now.” +

The Bootcamp costs $3995, and it's aptly priced for the value it adds to your life. If you ask our alumni, they’d say it’s a steal. Our team has dedicated years of meticulous, behind-the-scenes work to develop this experience. Exceptional writing pays dividends for life, and that’s what you’ll learn to do.

Plus, we make this opportunity as accessible as possible with our money-back guarantee and scholarship opportunities.

Packy McCormick
Amanda Natividad-2
The Cultural Tutor
Ana Lorena Fabrega

Join Write of Passage

The Final Cohort starts on October 7. Enrollment closes on September 30.

Have a question? Email us at



One five-week cohort

  • 7 Live Sessions with David Perell
  • Feedback within 24 hours from a trained editor
  • 5+ guest lectures on the craft from accomplished writers
  • Daily Gym sessions for honing skills among peers
  • 3 essays that you’re proud to have published online
  • A plan for distributing your work, even if you don't have an audience

$3995 $3795

or $1000/m for 4 months
EnrollRisk-Free (Guarantee)

The Write of Passage Guarantee

If you’re not 100% satisfied within the first 14 days, you can request a full refund — no questions asked. 

Cohort 13 Pricing Table

The cost of enrollment will increase each week. The end date for each tier is the final day you can enroll in the Write of Passage Bootcamp at that price.

Price End Date


Sep. 27


Sep. 30
Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 10.29.25 AM-2

Apply for a Write of Passage Scholarship

Earn a scholarship and change your trajectory.

If the price of the course is preventative, you can explore scholarship opportunities here.


Section Title

Packy McCormick (resized)

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries


Section Title

The Cultural Tutor

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries


Is this course right for me?

Listen, too many people are mismatched: wrong job, wrong friend group, wrong environment.  Maybe you’re one of them. Maybe you want nothing more than to attract new opportunities by sharing what you already know.

If you're tired of not having your ideas heard, then yes, Write of Passage is right for you. 


Why should I take this course now?

The demand for quality writing on the Internet still exceeds the supply of it. You’re not too late. In fact, you're right on time. 

And if you start now, you could start changing your trajectory right away. So, ask yourself: where do you want to be in six months?


Are there any prerequisites for this course?

Nope. We'll help you set everything up: where you write, how you publish, and everything in between. All you have to do is bring some grit and gusto


What if I’ve never written before?

Don't worry, we're never going to let you ship sloppy work. You'll have coaches, editors, and peers all helping you get words on the page and refine your ideas, so that you can share something you’re proud of.


What if I’m an experienced writer?

Great — then you know that writing is a craft you can never fully master. We will help you write the piece that only you can write and make it the best thing you’ve ever written. And you’ll leave with all the tools you need to do this over and over again. Plus, this isn’t just about writing. It’s about distributing your work and reaching the readers who care. 


What if I don't know what to write about?

Ah, our favorite villain has entered the chat: writer's block. Not to pull the "we're the experts" card, but seriously, we've been doing this for a long time. We know just how to help you discover your best ideas and unleash the wellspring of creativity inside of you


What if I can't attend a Live Session?

Live Sessions are the main event of the Bootcamp, so we recommend attending as many as you can. But if you can’t attend live, you can always watch the recording on your own or join a Watch Party on the day after the Live Session. Watch Parties are live replays of the session where you and your peers will participate in all the same writing exercises, breakout discussions. No FOMO allowed here. 


I'm not based in the U.S. Can I still participate in this course?

Absolutely. Our students come from over 70 different countries. Write of Passage is a global experience.


How much time will I spend on the course each week?

To reap the full benefits of the Bootcamp, we recommend you commit at least eight hours per week. 

With that time commitment, you could attend every Live Session, every Writing Group meeting, and you'd have four hours to write and revise each week. Of course, you can spend as much time writing as you'd like. This is just our recommendation to help you succeed. 


How long can I access course materials?

You’ll receive access to everything one week before the Bootcamp starts, and you’ll have access indefinitely


Are there scholarships available?

Yes. If you want to be in Write of Passage, we want you here too. 

If the price of the course is preventative for you, you can apply for a scholarship to the upcoming cohort.


How much will I interact with David?

Our founder, David Perell. 

These sessions are highly interactive, so he won’t just be teaching. He’ll answer questions, provide feedback, and share years of expertise to help you overcome any challenges.

He also hosts a private Q&A at the start of the course to give you a behind-the-scenes, unplugged experience.


Can't I find all the content online for free?

Sure, you can learn writing tips for free on the Internet, but what we offer is the support you need to do the best writing of your life. Any learning you do on your own will be, well, on your own. You won’t do it alongside hundreds of high-caliber writers. You won’t receive trained feedback on your work. And you won’t participate in workshops, sessions, writing exercises, and breakout rooms. 

In the Bootcamp, you’ll receive a Michelin star writing curriculum. But more importantly, you’ll receive a priceless experience you can’t find anywhere else on the Internet.


What if I want to write in another language?

You’re welcome to publish your work in whatever language you’d like, but please note that all of our sessions are run in English, and our editors will only be able to give feedback on pieces that are written in English.

For more on taking Write of Passage with English as your second language, listen to alum Angie Wang’s story.


Which tools and platforms will I need?

Here’s a breakdown of the tools you can expect to use during the course. First, the bare necessities:

  • Circle: The bustling hub of our community, where Write of Passage comes alive. 
  • Google Docs: Where you’ll draft articles and exchange feedback with others. 
  • Zoom: Old faithful. 

And here are a few “nice to have”s:

  • Substack: Where we recommend you set up your website (but you’re welcome to use any service you’d like).
  • Readwise and Evernote/Notion: Our recommended platforms for your note-taking system. 
  • Twitter and LinkedIn: Two places you will distribute your work (these are suggestions — there are plenty of other platforms you can use for distribution). 

If you’re a tech-novice, don’t worry. We’ll help you set up everything you need.


What's your refund policy?

Enrollment is 100% risk-free. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a full refund within 14 days of the start of the course — no questions asked.


What if I don't have a place to publish my writing?

No worries — we’ll give you all the support you need to set up all your systems. Countdown Week (the week leading up to the start of the Bootcamp) has all the info you’ll need to set up a newsletter or website so that your systems are set and you can focus on writing. You won’t need to publish until the end of the Bootcamp, and we’ll make sure you’re set up by then.